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Oh honey, sugar sugar…

Oh honey, sugar sugar… Such a cute little song to brighten the day.

What a day yesterday was! Giant kudos to Nicole, not only did she come in on her day off yesterday and deep clean half of the house. (that is a big job )She also worked today and from 11:30 A.M. To 4P.M. Every fifteen to thirty minutes, she was poking my fingers and fighting my sugar head on.

Two bags of dextrose, milk and Kate farms finally the low sugar roller coaster finally stayed steady at 118. We are thinking that I have a infection that is causing the consistent drops.

The bad part is that I have a hard time knowing if I am cold or if it’s low sugar. I get the same symptoms for both. Shaking, body and jaw tension, and a headache. It didn’t drop low enough to effect my breathing so that was good that she caught it early. She is a power house with fighting sugars, I am so lucky.

The ankle bruising is yellow now and we have started doing gentle range of motion and massage. It actually hurt but it was the good hurt. Kaylee gives great massage. I am so grateful for my girls, ALL five of them bring great things to the table to help me out.

Now David and I are going to watch castle, check my sugar and cross our fingers that I will be good for the night.

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