Checking in :
My mood is stable, I’m sleeping through the night somewhat. I do have an infection and will know what kind soon. Nicole did spudum and blood cultures yesterday.
Nicole and Kaylee have come up with ways to keep me busy. Tea time and participating in art shows across the state displaying my work. The Bare truth project will be one of them. Just a mini show featuring Sara D and Cari A., I will share one with you. The project was created to show the reality behind the pink ribbon and the scars men and women see in the mirror. Breast cancer is a horrific disease to you mentally and physically. I wanted to capture each person with class sharing their scars.
I am on antibiotics and will let you know what the results are when I know. Thanks for checking on me. Stephanie and kaylee are caring for me today. Our goal is to stay out of the hospital.
#tamuraisadventure #rockingals #tammymichaelsphotography #thebaretruthproject #teatime