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Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

Always proofread before posting, lol,
Take two
In the last 24 hours you have felt every emotion possible.

Anger/defeat – she doesn’t want me at the hospital. I’m always with her no matter what
Sadness – love can make one feel sadness. The pulling at the heart, wondering what happens if you are not there.
Guilt – I believe goes along with sadness hand in hand.
Love that told Love – This is the biggest emotion that you illuminate. Your eyes gleamed exhaustion yet glistening with love. As they filled with tears after hearing me say, “I will be okay. Go get some rest. “

Never have you ever left my side when I was in the hospital but today it was okay because I was safe and in good hands. You were not far and walking away to care for you was not easy.

I felt the love in your touch. When you lightly ran your fingers across the tops of my hand. The warmth filled my body

Your eyes when you looked at me, tired, but they still have the twinkle that I have seen for so many years .

Thank you for loving me as much as I love you, no matter how difficult life has been. I would not want to spend it with anyone else. I hope your valentine’s day is filled with peace, warmth and memories of our love together. I love you so much and can not wait for you to come home from work.
Happy Valentine’s Day, David!

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