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I understand what ALS has done to us.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
I prefer
Always Live Smiling
Today may be difficult for some that have lost their love on this day.
Some may find it difficult as today their life changed with a simple yet difficult saying, “you have ALS”.
I hope these words find you some peace on the day cupid runs around in a cloth diaper to strike you with his little heart arrow.
Thank you to all of the caregivers,
For the endless days and nights
For playing the most difficult game of charades. You are now an expert.
For becoming the best nurse you could be without even going to college.
For being the best advocates.
For becoming our number one fan and our best cheerleaders.
For the endless squats from your chair to our bedside.
For never giving up.
Thank you.
To my fellow ALS warriors
I love you
I love your posts good and bad
I love that you keep coming back because that tells me you are still alive
I love your support you give to others
I love all the emotions. The sad, happy, angry, lonely and more.
I love your continuous encouragement
I love your honesty
Most of all I love your continuous curiosity to read each post.
I hope you are smiling just a little because each one of you deserves a little Valentine’s Day love from a girl in Maine.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
#tamuraisadventure #rockinals

Tamurai's Adventure
Published inALS
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